Saturday (the 14th) was the Aloha Festival, which I and a few of my closest friends are a big part of. So I HAD to include pictures of them. Fina, Oliver, Alexis and Birdie are all a part of their awesome professional group, Tausala. If you ever want to see the best polynesian show around, they are the ones to see! I love to watch them dance- and drum too!

Beautiful Fina, with Oliver and Alexis behind her!


Alexis performing a solo dance! She's got moves!!

Birdie, center, and cute as can be!

Ok, so now for the not so professional part of the whole thing. Shannon and I take a women's hula class from Fina's Tausala school of dance. We have been doing it for about 5 plus years. We both seem to like it too much to stop. But I always feel a little out of place at the performances for couple of reasons. One, I don't and never will be able to dance like most of the dancers. Two, I am the whitest, ghostliest and blondest one out there! Thirdly, not the youngest branch on the tree out there either. But despite all that, I really enjoy it and keep on doing it. Am I crazy or what? It helps to have my Shannon there doing it too. It it something we both seem to feel like it is our own thing. Something we do for just us (and maybe our husbands who think it's pretty cool too!).
MARCH 7, 2009
Taylor goes to Morp (for those of you not in the high school scene yet, that's Prom backwards, and it's a girl ask guy dance!) His date was Alexa Stevens, who he has been good friends with since junior high. The theme was "Neon Nights" and it was held at Skateland!! Go figure! It also happened to be the same day as my dad's funeral. A "mixed review" day!

Cutie pies!!
March 9, 2009

My dad's burial at the Veteran's Memorial Cemetery - with 15 gun salute, taps, and all!
My siblings and mom after the funeral