Sunday, January 11, 2009

A penny for your thoughts. If even that much!!

I was thinking the other day. . .
 Yes, it's true. I do think once in awhile! The problem is remembering my great thoughts and wisdom! I knew at the time that I needed to go write it down right then, but was putting my make up on and in a hurry, because I was getting ready to go somewhere. Can't even remember where I was off to. 
Oh, wo is me! So much wisdom, and nowhere to send it to!!
I know it had to do with dying. And living. and something so deep and profound I couldn't believe I was actually thinking it!!!
Boy it must've been good! 
It'll come to me. As soon as I sign off here and am not actually trying to think of it. It has to come in it's own due time. NOT on my time or desire for it!! 
The mind is like a child. It's its own person. Has its own mind. . . .  
OK, that may have been the most brilliant thought I've had in the last few minutes, or the most redundant!!!   The mind has it's own mind!
Now, there's a thought!!


Andrea N' Mike said...

Rhea, You're so funny! But I have to say I agree with you, a mind does seem to have a mind of it's own.

aprilhoyt said...

I agree with mind definitely does not cooperate with what I want...and my memory is like a sieve! it's gone as soon as it comes! But I can't wait for the wonderful words of wisdom that are hiding for now!

who? said...

"My mind has a mind of it's own" reMINDS me of another friend's comment that "two out of every one person is schizophrenic." :) / ): But frankly, we resent that comment.

Deena said...

You crack me up...mainly because I can see the wisdom in your ya! Deena